Ordinarily, I would not have meddled into an altercation between Senator Chris Anyanwu from Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area and His Excellency,former Governor Ikedi Ohakim from Okohia in Isiala Mbano Local Government Area, both in Imo State.
However, what attracted me into pushing for this discourse was Senator Anyanwu's mention of the role of the military in her memoir,"Bold Leap". She particularly told the world that she was very instrumental to the invitation of the military to annihilate democracy in Imo State in 2011.
She boldly without remorse narrated the infamous role she played in killing democracy in Imo State in 2011 with the alleged connivance of then President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. To be clear,Jonathan was and still remains my idol because of the simplicity and gentility he brought into Nigeria's presidency while he held sway. Personally, I had had cause to be in Aso Rock Villa thrice during Jonathan's Presidency and had personal interactions with the most powerful black president thrice then.
Jonathan was the best President Nigeria could ever produce. Simple,natural, calm, and very accommodating. In fact, Jonathan was never meant for Nigerian dirty politics. But,like all humans,he had his low points.
Nevertheless, what still baffles me even as I write this piece was Senator Chris Anyanwu's mention of his name in her treachery and perfidious act of truncating democracy in Imo State in 2011.
Was our beloved Jonathan allegedly actually part of this debasing act against democracy,which he and Anyanwu were beneficiaries ? Or was Senator Anyanwu being beclouded by naivety in her determined quest to rubbish Ohakim for reasons best known to her and her conscience ?
Whatever may be the case, Senator Anyanwu is on her own. Both former Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan had tactfully distanced themselves from Anyanwu's memoir launching. They were both invited, but neither of them showed up or sent even any representatives. This speaks volumes of their distaste for Senator Anyanwu's tactlessness and brashness in mentioning that Jonathan aided and abetted the military's truncation of the will and wishes of Imo people in 2011.
In other words, Senator Chris Anyanwu goofed big time. Her narration in the controversial memoir incontrovertibly proves that she is incapable of trust. She kisses and tells . She is incapable of trust. Jonathan must be disappointed for trusting her.
Obviously, she has really learnt nothing from her travails in the hands of the dictator, General Sani Abacha,who almost cleansed her and OBJ, but for divine intervention. She was a loose cannon.
For Anyanwu to openly open her bucal cavity and tell the world that she hob-nobbed with the military to kill democracy in Imo State in 20011 is unforgivable. Democracy kept her alive today. Democracy took her to the National Assembly as a two-time Senator representing Imo East, otherwise known as Owerri zone. Democracy revived her from her forlorn economic doldrum. Democracy helped her to establish Hot FM radio radio station in Owerri, which she eventually used to fight the same democracy in cohort with the military. Democracy is her greatest achievement in a lifetime.
I am ashamed of Senator Chris Anyanwu. Often,what brings down a very important personality (VIP)is an error of hubris. In her unbridled quest to attack Ohakim, Chris Anyanwu threw caution to the winds.She lost consciousness and narrated the despicable things she did behind the facade against democracy
She thought she was fighting Ohakim but ended up exasperating the matter to her own detriment. If I were part of those who proofread her memoir, I would have advised against mentioning the military in the annihilation of democracy in Imo State in 2011.
What Chris Anyanwu did in 2011 was akin to a coup d'etat. That was why former Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan cleverly shunned the launch of her memoir. It was a calamity of sort for the two national leaders to associate themselves with such reprehensible narration by Anyanwu.
What was Anyanwu really thinking? Is she advocating for military incursion into Nigeria's democratic process? Was she being naive, not aware of the colossal implications of her infamous memoir?
Her narration, unknown to her, was an affront on democracy and Nigerians. She mistakenly thought she was attacking Ohakim but ended up impugning her integrity and reputation. She was a disaster in her own memoir.
With due respect to women, Chris Anyanwu's memoir epitomises women's brash nature. A married man may engage in extramarital affairs and yet love his wife unconditionally. But, once a married woman does same,she loses focus, loves her second man with unbridled emotions, and ultimately destroys her family. For a man,it is "chop and clean mouth," but conversely, for a woman, it is "love for emotions and for keeps.".I hope I am communicating?
In summary, Senator Chris Anyanwu should apologise to Nigerians for shamelessly fraternizing with the military to destroy democracy in Imo State. Her unholy romance has sent Imo State 20 years backwards,which Governor Hope Uzodinma is now struggling to correct. Her self confession is heart aching, irritating, insulting, debasing, and
self destructive. She disappointed me and many other Nigerians who hitherto held her in high esteem as a "woman-super man" because of her stance against military dictatorship in Nigeria in the past for which she went to jail under Abacha.
Today, the world is now agast and asking, is Senator Chris Anyanwu, a democrat or a Jackboot apologist, propagating military ideologies in Nigeria's nascent democracy? Is she a Brutus in our midst? Can she ever be trusted again?
For those who may not understand, jackboot is a word synonymous with military rule. It is despicable,just as it is distasteful. But to Senator Chris Anyanwu, it appears to be a noble way of life.
Finally, I want to advise that in whatever we do,let us always think with our heads rather than with our emotions like Senator Chris Anyanwu did in her memoir. She allowed her emotions to run wild and becloud her reasoning in her pursuit against Ohakim . And, she ended up telling the world that she was indeed an enemy of democracy.
What an irony!
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